Wednesday, August 24, 2011

setting an intention

Chenrezig - Buddha of Compassion

For a very long time I struggled with understanding what does setting an intention means. Some teachers always encourage students to do it at the beginning of class and some do it at the end. 
I always thought about it as an abstract. What does it mean and how do I approach it? What is an intention? Is it global or personal, is it what I wish for, or is it what I long for?
Just recently I understood what it really means and how my own practice can affect the world. 
Lets start with yoga then. Yoga isn't a prayer. So why would we practice with the intention of let's say world's well being? Well, the answer is simple. As you practice you change yourself into a better person. Just watch  what you think before the class and after. See how your mind quietens down how you become relaxed after being restless. How peaceful and at ease you are. This is what affects the world on our little community level. If we all just did more yoga how much better would our and others life be!
A conscious decision of dedicating practice towards something positive creates an opportunity to push through toughest asanas a lot easier. Also, reflecting on real life challenges, yoga prepares you to deal with them as you have motivating powers behind your actions.

So please keep it in mind while rolling your mat out.

What could your intention be? No idea, here I can give you some of mine: 

  • To create more space in my own life.
  • To focus on doing what matters.
  • To be compassionate.
  • To change the world for the better.
  • To share yoga blessings with as many as possible.

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